MAY in overview!

hello dear readers!!!

Guess who's back? back again! dailess' back! tell your friends!  well i never really left so.....yeah....okay so May! May was pretty slow even though it went by so fast. what i mean is that in comparison to April and March which had so much happening, may was pretty Meh but that doesn't mean it sucked, it was pretty okay. i went back to applying for jobs, same issues of transport, typing cover letters (which is pretty hard), crying over money spent on photocopying and printing but it wasn't so bad, i had the money to spend even though it stung to spend it (aaaah this economy mwandi, once you break a hundred it's over!!!).... sigh but all in all it was a  pretty good month. oooh ooh and my neck is coming back, i started eating healthier....okay that's a stretch i drink green tea now and i do some work or exercise eish i think? okay it's just the green tea but i'm going to start exercising soon and get my life in order! hashtag throwing yourself life things.

so in the month of may i


1.) Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

guys this book! this book! it's worth the hype! i won't be shocked if this book ends up being a classic! i stumbled across it on instagram, i follow a lot of bookstagrammers (people who post mostly about books) so i get most of the books i read from their recommendations, i saw so many people posting about this book, how good it was, how it made them cry at the end, i was convinced! i needed to read this book! i got myself an ebook but one thing led to another, and by that i mean impulse buying, i ended up buying a physical copy at grey matter (a bookstore ) and I REGRET NOTHING!!! no! i  loved this book so much! it's beautifully written, the plot is awesome! i suck at reviewing books but let me give it a try and by that i'll give you a summary and tell you about what i loved and hated about it (if that's even possible with this book!). 

Home going tells the story of two half sisters Esi and Effia in 18th Century Ghana, who were born in two different villages and lived extremely different lives. Effia was married off to a white soldier and ends up living a comfortable life at the Cape Coast Castle. Esi was sold as a slave during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, at one point she was held prisoner in the dungeon of the castle her sister was living in one of the rooms with her English husband before she was shipped off to America. From there the book follows Effia and Esi's descendants through the years. One thread follows Effia's descendants through centuries of warfare in Ghana, as the Fante and Asante nations wrestle with the slave trade and British colonization. The other thread follows Esi and her children into America. From the plantations of the South to the Civil War and the Great Migration, from the coal mines of Pratt City, Alabama, to the jazz clubs and dope houses of twentieth-century Harlem, right up through the present day. 

what i love

First of all i love (love!!!!) historical fiction so already this book had my heart guys! it was beautifully written like i said before, the plot is amazing, each character makes you understand a different stage of history both in American set up and the African one. I love how this book gives names and stories to slaves we read about in our history class about the slave trade you know. i feel like it teleport us to those times, helps us to see these people, how they lived before, what happened when they were snatched and were held up in the Cape Coast Castle, we feel their fear, pain and what was going through their minds as they lived in inhumane conditions in the dungeon and it furthers helps us see their journey to America and how life was for them there. It gives us a summarized view of lives of African Americans through the years, who they are and what they've been through. i feel like it has helped me understand them better. it was hard not to cry here hmmmm!!!

The other thread, Effia  and her descendants' story gives us a summarised view on how Africa was affected by the Slave with it's own people selling their own people for profit, powerful kingdoms falling as a result, then later how the colonizers came around and how life kept changing up to modern times.

What I hate 

which is only one thing really, i hated how some stories were so short, i'd get invested in a character's life then boom it's done. i understand the character was only there to tell us about what happening during his or her time, but it was too short!!!! i feel like every character deserves their own book! other than that i loved this book so much! like so much!!! most complain about the ending but i loved it, it made me cry like sooo much eish guys!!! please grab yourself a copy either electronic or hard copy! i don't discriminate! i was reading both! it a beautiful book! sad but beautiful!!!

2.)  Yesterday I was the Moon by Noor Unnahar

This book!!!! This book!!!! what can i say about this Book!!!! the love of my life!!! It's a Poetry Book!!! possibly my absolute favorite poetry ever!!! it's overtaken Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey! i know i didn't that was even possible but it has. i feel like any description i can give to this book will not do it justice but i'll try.  

Yesterday i was the moon is a collection of poetry written by Noor Unnahar, a Pakistani author, writer, youtuber and blogger. This book explores a variety of themes including art, people, home, courage, self-love, strength, culture, acceptance and survival. Guys! Noor is talented! i'm obsessed with her words, the art she makes even her name makes me happy!!! like yooooooo. her words make you feel, their alive i tell you!!!!! i discovered her work on Pinterest then stalked her Instagram i practically live on her instagram feed!!! she inspires me so much!!!  see more of her work on her instagram oh and did i mention she has a twin sister who equally talented!!!! check out her work on her Instagram, her name is Areeba Siddique, she's an artist, youtuber and blogger. 

Listened to

Billie Eilish!!!! guys her voice, i feel like her poignant music (don't know if i'm using that right) touch my soul! yooo, 'Ocean Eyes' and "Lovely" hmmm I'm not crying! You are!!!


1.) Brooklyn nine nine!!!! i love this show so much!!! can you believe they cancelled it? but thank goodness it was picked up by another network.

2.) TED-Ed 
i'm so obsessed!!! i'm glad i got a Youtube App!!! 

Tried out

Green tea! i love it! first step to healthier living! next step Fruits!!! or Nutella whichever happens first!!!

May in Pictures



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