March and April in Overview

I was suppose to do two separate posts for each month but I thought aah why not kill two birds with one stone? A blatant excuse for being a lazy blogger, I'll go back to the individual month Overviews so we can clam down people. Any who on with the post!!! So march was an incredible month! I got my first job and got to travel around and live out of my suitcase for two weeks which was awesome, I got to see parts of my country I have never seen and it was refreshing! i got my first official pay check and bought things with my own money! (guys, guys Bonang was right! ain't nothing like spending money you worked for)
Any who here dear readers, are some of things I did during the past two months! So in the month of March and April I....... Read

1.) Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Hmmm now if I'm going to be honest I have a love-hate relationship with this book! I avoided it for a while because of the title, I just felt like I already knew or sensed what kind of book it was going to be but due to the massive book hungover I was having after reading 'The book thief by Markus Zusak,' I decided to pick it up since the booktube universe wouldn't stop raving about it. It's about a girl named Anna who's been shipped off to a boarding school in Paris by her Author Dad because he's new money and wants to impress the people around him. Once there Anna meets Meredith and her best friend the gorgeous walking paradox Etienne St Clair, a hot, popular, beautiful, flawless haired American boy with an English accent but a French name. From that brief intro, you already know what's going to happen. Now there's a lot of things about this book that I loved and a lot of things that I hated ( like really hated) the bad doesn't outweigh the good but the good doesn't outweigh the bad either so I'm kind of stuck on what I really feel about this book. What I loved about it! - I loved that it took place in Paris, and so through the book I got to walk the streets of the beautiful City and also got to know about the beautiful sites I plan on visiting day one when I go to Paris. - I loved the fact that the book was easy to read, I went through it so easily - I also loved the fact that St Clair was a history nerd, when he geeks about Rasputin, I felt that in my soul!!! Things that I hated - Anna was so whiny. I mean come on, you've been shipped off to Paris!!! PARIS!!! yeah sure you have to leave your friends and life behind abruptly but come on it's PARIS!!!!!! She was busy acting like they sent her to Antarctica or something - I felt as if Anna had no real reason to hate her dad which made her so annoying when she just picked on him or said bad things about his books and generally just hating him for following his dream to be a writer, only St Clair had a valid reason to hate his dad, that guy was a douchebag monster - It justified cheating, our favorite walking paradox st Clair had a girlfriend whom he cheated on with Anna (well mostly emotionally but it's still cheating, they kissed that one time breaking Meredith's heart who was secretly in love with st Clair and Anna knew this!!!! She knew this so well!!!!!!)

2.) Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav

its a poetry book! usually i read a novel and a poetry book, i can't manage to read two novels at a time, one will be extremely loved while the other will be greatly abandoned. any way this is my first time reading Lang Leav's work even though i have literally all her books and her name is Poetry royalty,

I've never gotten the chance to read her work but ohh what a fool i was!!!! people!!!! people!!! her words are beautiful!!! so beautiful i'm tempted to buy a physical copy of her book. i loved it that much.

Watched 1.) Invader Zim!!!
I understand why it's a classic!!! It's so funny yet dark at the same time I miss that in cartoons these days 2.) Zuba
Zambia's first telenovela, which is a lie!!! What about kabanna? Or fever? ( which is equally as good as zuba if not, better!). Anywho Zuba follows the life of a village girl from the southern province who has an evil step mom who plotted against her and sent her to town to be a maid for a wealthy family. It was rough to watch in the beginning but it's improved massively now!!! Listened to...... A lot of songs from the show Steven Universe. Songs like 'stronger than you', 'there comes a thought' are beautiful and they helped go through a lot of stuff at the time!!! Traveled to.... 
Chisamba!!!! For work! I had to go for training for a job I was doing! You guys know this, well thats if you've read the previous post, any who we stayed at the beautiful ibis Garden lodge!!! It was a week of bliss!!!! Mumbwa After the training was done we had to go to Mumbwa for the actual work and we stayed at the pretty Vestus Lodge!!! It was awesome!!! Got to live by myself for a while again which I was hoping for such a long time. I also got to see a part of my country I've never seen before it was pretty awesome! Learned..... The importance of taking risks! Doing things out of your comfort zone is often paralyzingly scary but the outcomes are amazing or sometimes downright horrible but it's those horrible experiences that teach us and help us to grow. What did I achieve I got my first job and earned my own money for the first time it was an awesome experience that no one can take away.

April and March in Pictures


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