8 things I've learnt about life so far

Hello dear readers!!! Thought I'd take a break from obsessing over the fact that my neck and head are slowly merging, to tell you about the lessons I've learnt about life lately. Like I said in the previous posts, march was a good month which changed a lot of things for me, I could go as far as saying it revolutionized the way I see the world now...well okay that's a bit of a stretch but a lot of growth did take place and I wanted to share with you everything I've learnt so far
1.) Life just doesn't happen A while back I always thought things in life just happened with Time, automatically and all you have to do is wait for that said moment or moments to happen but lately I've realized you have to make life happen. If you want something to happen, you have to do something that will result in the very thing you wish to happen. Well duh you say, I know, I know, oh bare with me I've just figured it out! So no more waiting for me dear readers I'm changing my life now, creating all the moments and regrets I want to hold on to forever! no more waiting for an invitation, i'm throwing myself at life! Wish me luck 2.) there is no better time than now I've got tonnes of little projects I want to finish and usually I always wait for the moment to feel right in order to begin working on them. But you know I've realized the right feeling or moment will never come and I'll keep on procrastinating my little projects until they fade away, the best time to get something done is now, Today!!!! I need to get off my lazy butt and do something!!!! 3.) life is a balancing act I've missed out on a lot of opportunities because I hadn't realized sooner that life entails balancing different parts of what makes up our lives. Family, work, friends, religion, leisure you name it. Normally I used to focus on one aspect and forget the others completely, I had no idea each aspect had to be given an efficient amount of time, attention and energy! 4.) nothing will change unless you do We can draw this lesson from Issac Newton's laws of motion (by the way, all of Newton's laws are brilliant life lessons) one of which states that an object in motion will continue moving in a straight path unless acted upon by an external force. The lesson I draw from this, is that nothing will change unless you, yourself decide to change the way you do things. Do you want to be healthy? Change the way you eat and do some exercise. Do you want to change the way you look? Make the changes to your appearance, listen words are pretty but without action their worthless i know that now.

5.) Change requires commitment Change doesn't happen overnight, and just because you exercised once and ate an apple for one day that doesn't make you automatically healthy, now that you've decided to change your life, you need to stick to it and meet the demands of that change, which is dedication, determination, persistence and commitment to the change you wish to see. 6.) Time waits for no man This one is a bit obvious but it's still on the list. Actually you can marry it to the first point that is, life just doesn't happen, while you're waiting for life to happen, Time is passing by, make the most of everything you have now, all the opportunities and such! 7.) Take more risks Aren't risks scary? You never know the outcome but isn't it even worse to just sit around and wonder what would have happened had you done something out of your ordinary? 8.) Acceptance is one of the keys for a happy life Bold statement! let me defend it, I spent most of my life denying a lot of things. Things I was losing, what I had, what I didn't have, where I came from, my mistakes, my weaknesses even my strengths. I've learnt lately that accepting things as they are helps you let go of unnecessary stress, it helps you to move on and make better plans for your life, you know the next step now that you have accepted what is and is not, what can be and cannot be, what you can change and what can not (I know I'm repeating myself). It brings about peace and allows you to move on.


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