Ibis Gardens and How I got my first job

To say march was awesome would be an understatement! March was incredible!!! I got my first job (granted it was a temporary one but I don't care it was still a job) and I got to travel out of Lusaka and live in my suitcase for two weeks, it was pretty great!!!
Let me start from the beginning, so one day I was walking to my best friend's house (on the brink of yet another quarter life crisis, fifth one that month, there's a lot of those in your twenties), on the way I decided to check social media cause you know what else am I going to do? I saw an advertisement on go Zambia jobs.com for enumerators needed at world vision. This ad jumped at me, you know those things that just stand out? Yes? No? Oh don't pretend you what I'm talking about! Anyway long story short the ad haunted me until I sent in an application (side note: you know what was sooo great about this ad, it asked for sensible qualifications you know, these days to get a job you need 5 years experience, a noble peace prize, a recommendation letter from angel Gabriel, a doctorate and must have saved a baby from at least one burning building to just be considered to be put on the waiting list, oh and you also need to know someone who knows someone who knows the security guard who knows the secretary who knows the intern who knows the boss who has already given the job to her or his niece or nephew so really you're just wasting paper applying. {AND PAPER IS EXPENSIVE!!! no really it's k42, i know that doesn't seem like much but for someone who's not working that's a lot then there's transport, and don't even get me started on printing and photocopying! sigh!!!}  And also the selection was based on merit guys! guys!!! MERIT not connections (cue the tears) which is such a breath of fresh air in this country).

So the ad said training was going to begin after two weeks and they were going to contact the people chosen on a Monday and on Tuesday they were going to start the training. Two weeks passed, Monday came, nothing! I checked my email! Nothing, Tuesday came I gave up! You lose some, you win some right? Yeah I tried to comfort myself best way that I could but at the back of my mind I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect this job was, how for the first time I was qualified for a job in an organization that seemed so impossible to get into (another side note am I only one who just ignores a job advertisement from the UN? I mean I would love to work for them! It would be a dream but it seems to me i'd have a better chance of finding a unicorn than that happening cause the qualifications you need, yooo FORGET!!! but you know these days I believe anything is possible), any who long story short (okay not really, why do I keep saying that I have no intention of keeping this short), I got depressed and went back to bed! I tried to sleep but couldn't, decided to listen to some melancholic music but my Judas' of a phone blacked so I had to use a tintilinti (a small not smart phone, phone), my best friend called and asked me over, she was doing some piece work and asked if I wanted in, I was depressed and broke so yeah, I wanted in, before I could change I got another call, it was World Vision, they needed a replacement enumerator cause someonr dropped out last minute and wondered if I wanted the job! yooooooooooooooo guys!!! I said yes!!! A thousand times yes!!!! So long story short (again i don't know why i keep saying this) they needed me to pack clothes for a week cause on that very day, we were leaving for Chisamba to start training!!!!

I had to be there by 14 sharp! And it was around 11, I began panicking I didn't know what to pack, who to tell, my fears (saying yes to sudden change is not something I normally do) were trying to sneak in but I wouldn't let them, I called everyone, I ran to my dad and told him everything, he got excited and offered to drop me off at World vision head office which I was thankful for cause buses take forever sometimes. I bathed, packed everything which was a real challenge by the way cause I had been procrastinating washing my clothes for a while.......... like a whiiile guys (don't Judge me!!!), fell to my knees cause yooo I was overwhelmed by this blessing!!! Thanked the Most High (My King, My Father in Heaven) cause this miracle was amazing, asked him for guidance cause I knew I couldn't do it without Him, it were possible i would have spent the whole day crying but i had to be somewhere by 14.

so by 13:45 my dad drove me to world vision head quarters while simultaneously giving me the work speech he gave my sister when we drove her to her first job! I was thankful for it!

14:00 we were stuck in traffic pa zesco almost pulled my hair out but thank the Lord we made it on time. So long story short ( for real this time!!) We went to Ibis Gardens bar and Lodge, it was beyond beautiful!!!!  i  i signed a contract with my name on it and everything!  I must admit I was afraid at first cause I just heard the supervisor instruct the driver of the bus, saying ibis, I thought of the worst but thank the Lord it was amazing!!!!! Ibis is beautiful guys! so beautiful, the service is great, food is awesome and the rooms are amazing! it was a great workation, one i didn't know i really needed.


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