things currently making me happy

Greetings and salutations dear readers!!!!

Yes I know, apologies are in order, I'm sorry I've greatly abandoned this blog but it's not my  fault okay no fine yes it is! But I went out there into world to live and bring back stories for you, okay fine that's another lie, I was a couch potato for a while oh don't judge me, adulting is hard and it kinda sucks! Well it's sucks when you don't have the money to exist but other than that it's pretty okay. I love the new responsibility I have towards money and all, oh and I do love the part about not caring what people think about you! Yep adulting has its moments. Anywho on to the post, I thought I'd share with you the few things making me happy currently, why? Oh I don't know it' Don't be a buzz kill just enjoy it!!!

1.) Books!!!!

I've decided to take a break from writing and focus more on reading this year, oh I know what you're thinking, 'smh like you ever write anything' shut up carol yes I do!!! I have drafts that I plan on finishing this year! Maybe...we'll  see.  This rekindled love for reading stems from the guilt of me mascarading around as a book lover even though I've never actually read that many books (24 goosebumps books and a dozen or more wattpad books count right?). I have downloaded (cough legally cough, cough) so many books that I want to read (side note I can't stop downloading them! I need help!!!!), the classics, Y.A (ugh) , historical fiction, autobiographies, self help books, poetry, soooo many books! I'm in clover my darlings!!!! My 2018 reading list consists mostly of the classics though, I want to read the greatest books ever written so that I can find out for myself what makes them so great! Wish me luck

2.) The book Thief
The love of my life!!!!!!! You guys, you guys this book!!! Oh my gosh this book will always have a piece of my heart I'm telling you! It's sooo beautifully written! The story is enchanting, Markus Zusak makes you care about his characters and makes you feel what they feel, he teleports you to Himmel street in Germany during the time of the Second World War. Yoooh!!!!

3.)  my fanfiction

It's done!!!! Hehehe I'm embarrassed, don't ask me anything about it, I'm ashamed as is the norm with fan't ask me anything about it!!!! Just know that I'm happy about it hehe

4.) 2018
There's something about this year that's giving everyone a renewed interest in bettering their lives, me included. I have no resolutions this year because I knew that by 3rd January they were going to die but I do have a list of things I want to do (wait, aren't those resolutions? Whatever I'm not calling them that!!! It will just jinx them) and I plan on crossing out all of the items on this list. I've already crossed out a few things  so I'll let's keep the ball rolling .

5.) Twitter

I'm back in (on?) the twitter verse!!! And I must say it's going great, I found a  great number of people to follow!!! Beautiful, talented, supportive and inspiring people it's amazing!!!

6.)  Wonder By R.J. Palacio

I recently watched the movie recently, big mistake why do I keep stealing from myself, the magic of discovering a story on my own argh!!!!! But I loved the movie! I loved soooo much!!!! I now want to read the book so much

7.) YouTube

I've been watching loads of videos on YouTube lately, discovered some really awesome channels.

a.) Nathan zed
He's so hilarious, I've watched all his videos (obsessed much? Yes, I proudly admit it!), and I'm rewatching them, that's how funny he is!!!! Even the most random incoherent thing he does is magic!!!!

b.) Divya G

She's a booktuber, her channel is mostly based on books, she does reviews and such, she's so so funny!!!

c.) Alex Meyers

Love his channel so much!!! He does animation and reviews on series, music, movies, everything! His reviews are hilarious.

8.) Black Panther

Yo..yooooooo the king has arrived!!!! yooooo you guys, you guys!!!! its amazing!!! it is beyond awesome!!!!!

9.) little project

I've got a little book project I'm excited about! Nothing official or anything but I love it to bits!!! Just putting things together, trying to figure out what's going into this thing! It's sort of driving me crazy but don't all good books do that?  (Nervously laughing), don't they?

10.) Ms. Noor Unnahar

Her poetry is amazing and her Instagram feed is beautiful!!!! I just love her aesthetics, when I need inspiration I rush over to her Instagram!!

11.) Cole Sprouse guys......look at him


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