Thoughts so far....
the real world scares me, why must everything be so serious? i guess that's why i have this irrational paralysing fear of graduating from University. sigh. for as long as i can remember my wild imagination has kept me safe, guarded, protected and comforted but who has ever grown in the comfort zone? no one, i realise that now, that while i was safe and comfortable in my little zone where nothing grew and i did not notice, life moved on, people Lived and Evolved while i merely existed. i remained the same for years and years, i guess i understand why people got bored of me, i would have no stories to tell, no news, to adventures, i was like a rock well no, at least a rock gets covered by dust or grows algae and when the wind is strong enough or a heavy downpour of rain comes the rock moves to a different location. its high time i did so too. i need to grow, and as much as i want to remain a Woman-Child for the rest of my life, it's not possible, someone has to pay for the lifestyle i wish to live one day, the trips i plan on taking and all the beautiful vintage non sense i plan on buying that is the Lord is willing and i can't depend on my parents or sister for the rest of my life that wouldn't be right and that would not be fair. and as much as the real world scares me i must face it head on, i think i need to be afraid a little bit, nervous even, go forth into the unknown, for that is the only way i will grow.
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